
Thymus serpyllum
Motherwort supports immunity, can act preventively, help with restlessness and insomnia, and supplies the body with the necessary flavonoids and flavones. It can contribute to mental well-being, freshness and induce a pleasant feeling in the stomach in the morning. It also relieves flatulence, colic and smooth muscle spasms. When he is sick, he fights colds and coughs. It is recommended among people against the symptoms of excessive alcohol consumption.

• It has antiseptic, antibacterial, fungicidal, antispasmodic and soothing effects
• Supports the body's immune system
• Accelerates wound healing
• Helps against infections
• Increases the body's defenses
• It is used for disinfection of the oral cavity and for gingivitis
• Soothes skin irritated by the sun and after insect bites
• Induces pleasant sleep, helps against stress and nervous tension
• Acts as a natural deodorant
• Relaxes the mind and relieves headaches
• It has a positive effect on the digestive and respiratory systems
• It is recommended against secondary symptoms of excessive alcohol consumption

Available study

Common or Roman and narrow-leaved thyme got its name "thymus" from the Greek words for incense and bravery. Its twigs used to be lit to ward off evil spirits and diseases. The flowers and leaves have a mild thyme-like scent.
Složení STSFY, Mateřídouška
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