"Why isn't 1 pill for everything?"
We have a modern life, we enjoy it, we do sports, we travel, we love brands, we try new things, food supplements, we like prevention and the whole healthy lifestyle. We want to delay the disease as much as possible.
We all have some problems, of course, so we were looking for one tablet that would solve most needs and problems. And we didn't really find anything. That's why we made our own.
In January 2022, we took the 8 main reasons (energy, skin, hair, immunity, psychic, sleep, detox and regeneration) that bother most of us and gave them to experts on bioprocesses in the body and on nutrition. Over time, they prepared a summary of substances that could help with this. They are necessary vitamins, minerals, plants, herbs, probiotics and super-foods .
Tests have shown that it can never be 1 tablet. It is never possible to put all the substances with 100% of the required composition into one small pill. In addition, some substances are taken in the morning for their effect, others in the evening. And so there were 2 parts - Morning + Evening complex. Together they solve 8 problems.
"Why does everyone throw away piles of plastic and glass packaging?"
Every month we see piles of discarded plastic and glass packaging for anything around us and in our surroundings. That's why when I decided what to pack our capsules in, we chose eco-friendly bags .
The empty ones are put in mixed waste and can be decomposed well. In the first shipment, we also send free glass bottles into which everyone can pour their capsules. These bottles are not thrown away. The capsules can be used from the bag itself or poured into other favorite containers.