Schizandra chinensis
Medicinal plant for setting mental well-being and psychological balance. The necessary adaptogen is full of natural substances and will help the body cope with negative environmental influences and stress. During demanding expeditions, it was often used to suppress feelings of hunger, fatigue and to improve mood.
• Positively affects sexual function and fertility
• Improves the quality of skin, nails and hair
• It has adaptogenic and anti-inflammatory properties
• Induces a feeling of suffocation of well-being
• Helps the body better manage unwanted external influences and stress
• Supports kidney function, proper heart and lung function
• Relieves respiratory problems
• Regulates digestion and absorption as well as liver function
• It is recommended as part of the prevention of psychological problems
Available study
The main components of this medicinal plant are schisandrin, gomisin A, vitamins and antioxidants. In English it is called Chinese climbing magnolia. It originated in East Asia, where it formed the main pillars of folk medicine more than 2,000 years ago. These pillars still form today.
Schizandra berries are known as the fruit of the five tastes. They combine sweetness, acidity, bitterness, saltiness and bitterness. Traditional Chinese medicine claims that each of them affects a different part of the body, so this medicinal plant is a symbol of versatility. It can awaken the life force Qi and the energy of Qi can flow freely.