Vitamin B9

Folic acid
This vitamin is involved in the formation of red blood cells and the growth of germinal tissues, especially during pregnancy. It will benefit not only breastfeeding women. It is usually sought by people who want to have enough red blood cells again, a great biorhythm, they want to concentrate better, a lot of energy and a natural appetite again.

• Contributes to the growth of germinal tissues during pregnancy
• Contributes to the normal synthesis of amino acids
• Contributes to normal blood formation

Available study

B9 or folic acid, folacin or acidum folicum is a water-soluble vitamin that must be supplemented with food or food supplements. This important coenzyme for the synthesis of nucleic acids and amino acids enables the conversion of homocysteine ​​to methionine.

If you have enough folic acid in your body, you may not have a red tongue, canker sores, shallow ulcers on the tongue and oral mucosa, your scalp and hair may be in excellent condition, and the nail beds may not be discolored due to unusual pigmentation. You can find vitamin B9 mainly in green vegetables, in various types of salads, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, green peas, spinach, asparagus and broccoli.
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