Green tea

Camellia sinensis / Thea sinensis
The plant is widely known for its beneficial effects on the human organism. It is also called "the healthiest drink on the planet". Green tea was first used by rulers and the rich, and has been known for over 5,000 years.

It will help you speed up your metabolism and convert body fat into energy. You can feel more energy, get more out of yourself and burn more calories. In addition, it can support productivity and help create the reward hormone - dopamine.

• Normal heart activity
• Supports metabolism and fat oxidation
• It is among the popular fat burners
• It can help us reduce harmful LDL cholesterol
• Strong antioxidant, contains a number of beneficial substances and detoxifies the organism
• Protects cells from oxidative stress and the effects of free radicals
• Supports brain activity, cognitive functions, memory and concentration
• Reduces the risk of the onset of various forms of dementia
• Destroys bacteria in the mouth, fights cavities and plaque
• Acts against inflammation and can be part of cancer prevention
• Balances blood sugar levels
• It is recommended to prevent the occurrence of heart problems
• May help people suffering from arthritis

Available study

With its content of beneficial substances with harmonizing effects, it could help improve vision, act as an antioxidant and reduce the risk of heart disease. The caffeine in green tea helps to energize the body before mentally and physically demanding performance. Green tea also contains a number of beneficial substances including polyphenols and catechins.

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